Disaster Preparedness

Course Title: Disaster Preparedness For The Workplace

Course Description :Being prepared for any emergency is as simple as planning ahead. This course looks at your company’s safety plan and designs your training to help your staff practice your safety plan.  This begins with thinking about your daily activities, the people you care for or who rely on you, and how a disaster would change the way you get things done.

Cost: $375/ per hour (Taught A-La-Cart Style, choose from the learning objectives below)

Duration: Depends on your learning objectives.

Certification: This is practical hands on skill and knowledge building course taught by certified professionals. A certificate of complete is issued at the end of the course.

Course Details: Courses are offer upon request, call to schedule your in-office personalized training today. Marlo Holloway 206 790-0743

 Learning Objectives:

  • Disaster Preparedness
  • Incident Command
  • Fire Extinguisher Use
  • Utility Control
  • Water Storage and Emergency Sanitation
  • Light Search and Rescue
  • Lifts and Emergency Carries
  • Learn to be personally prepared
  • Disaster Psychology
  • Terrorism



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206 790-0743

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